Wednesday, October 26, 2005

no trick or treating for nj sex offenders

nj is the first state to issue a curfew for sex offenders on halloween. under the curfew, the sex offenders cannot go to any parties where children would be, answer the door to trick or treaters, or take their own children out. some critics oppose it b/c they say it's unconstitutional but so far no attorneys have been willing to fight the curfew. other critics say that it the state is allowed to institute such a curfew but that enforcing it would be difficult.

i'm inclined to agree. i'm all for any restrictions that will prevent situations where children have to be in the midst of sex offenders, but i'm curious to see how this curfew will be enforced. other critics have said that the curfew will not accomplish anything -- it will not protect children, lessen the risk of abuse, etc. i'm not sure how they can argue that b/c it seems to me that if you remove the possibility of having sex offenders encounter numerous children (especially where they often have similar outfits, are in large groups and are sometimes unsupervised, or supervised from a distance) at one time, you also eliminate the risk to the children on at least one evening in the year.



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