Thursday, March 30, 2006

"Peaceful Baghdad" is really Istanbul

This picture was posted by Republican Congressional candidate Howard Kaloogian to show the success of the war in Iraq and how peaceful things are there. (Kaloogian's Wiki)

It didn't take long for "Jem6X" from the DailyKos blog to figure out that this picture wasn't actually Iraq, but really a street scene from Bakirkoy, a suburb of Istanbul. Jem6x was tipped off by someone who recognized the intersection. He went to work searching online galleries to find a picture that matched up to this intersection and sure enough he found a picture of the same intersection from another angle.

Kaloogian admitted that the picture was not of Iraq but denied that he personally had anything to do with posting it. The picture has since been replaced with a picture of Baghdad taken from a distant hill.

I have tried to see Kaloogian's website - but for some strange reason the site is now down.

(update - Kaloogian's website is working again)

(Thanks Boing Boing. Check out a full article here.)


Blogger elad said...

oh and it gets better!

The picture Kooligan used to replace the Istabnul photo is months old and shows a bright blue Police Station that has since blown up.

(the bottom photo is the one Kooligan used, the others show closeups of the police station and the dust post-bombing.)

Sure, Republicans, everything is fine and dandy over there. Like fucking Disneyland.

March 30, 2006 1:36 PM  

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