Friday, May 05, 2006

Learning Something New

You know when you upload pictures from your camera they get weird names like "img_154935410504" and then when you upload multiple pictures you can barely organize them?

Usually I am too lazy to rename the group of pictures - but I just found a shortcut.

Select all the pictures (either by selecting them all with the mouse or by clicking on each picture and holding down the Ctrl key at the same time so they are all highlighted at the same time)
Then press F2
The title under first picture will be deleted and you can type in any title you want, as if you are renaming the picture. (For example, name it "Vacation")
Then press enter when you are done.
All of the pictures will rename with that same title, but with a number after. (For example, Vacation1, Vacation2, Vacation3.....)

Isn't that easy?


Blogger happy roy said...

thanks shawn! i've always been too lazy to change the names of pictures when i take and upload more than 5 at a time.

May 05, 2006 5:45 PM  

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