Friday, June 09, 2006

Retirement is Too Far Away

A great NY Times article today, courtesy of Danya, shows us that retirement is too far away and we shouldn't be afraid of "gaps" in our resumes...

A Life Between Jobs - After burning out at one job, and not finding enough time to recover during your two week vacation - just quit! According to this article it is a popular trend for our generation to leave behind one job, take a long vacation, and then come back to the working world, refreshed, and ready for a new position. Now you just have to find a new job...


Blogger elad said...

Good article! Anything that makes me think about vacation and time off is ace in my book.

June 09, 2006 10:25 AM  
Blogger Design By Bain said...

The story of my life :)

It's always fun and exciting to take time off. I will post up my resume and get the word out, then quit/go on vacation and then when a new job comes i'll be off vacation. Of course it works really well when you make enough to last those times when you are out of work.

The incentive to this is that you can go up the ladder much quicker, i know popular belief is the opposite - put your time in blah, it's a bunch of bull. Think about it, the people who come into your office and getting a little more money than u do, but do the same job, or get a bigger office, or whatever u should have gotten, but your job doesn't need to give u anything more, because they already have you. I know of many people who find another job, and put in the 2 weeks notice, then the job they are at starts giving them all kinds of offers, and then they get to take that month off and come back to the same job with some added bonuses.

The reason why u go up the ladder quicker, is because u have experience in different places that will only add to your skills. I can apply for so many different types of jobs now, i'm an aeronautical engineer, and haven't designed a thing since 2001 - when i got into contracting. And my rate just keeps going up with every job.

LIFE IS TOO SHORT to do the same thing everyday, sit at the same desk, see the same people, it's just not exciting (well at least for most of us) one day i'll have one of those awesome jobs that i want to do forever (when i become self-employed).

June 09, 2006 11:15 AM  

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