Saturday, July 08, 2006

this guy does NOT wanna be like mike

in law school, i've read a lot of cases involving frivolous and sometimes completely insane claims. this guy's suit against michael jordan and nike founder phil knight for $832 million dollars just takes the cake tho. he's going through a lot of pain though. according to him: "I'm constantly being accused of looking like Michael and it makes it very uncomfortable for me," Heckard reportedly said. he's suing mj for defamation and permanent injury, emotional pain and suffering. his suit against knight is for defamation and permanent injury for promoting Jordan and making him one of the world's most famous athletes.

now i'm confused. maybe it's all the bar exam studying, but i think i understand torts and i'm pretty sure i understand defamation. so can someone please explain to me how he's suing for defamation when HE hasn't been placed in the public light or experienced injury as a result of some publicized lies about him?


Blogger Shawn said...

Hmmm that suit really doesn't make sense....

there is definetly no publication...

the only lie i can think of is that he is not mike - so he gets recognized as mike and that's a lie....

yea i have no clue

July 09, 2006 10:17 AM  

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