Thursday, September 29, 2005

"let the arabs get sexed" -- the sad state of affairs

a unc student wrote an article advocating the stop, seizure and cavity search of all "arabs" on flights. she proposes this idea as a way to ensure that terrorism will be stopped. i understand the fear of terrorism. you take a second look at backpacks and fidgety people. but is stopping every "arab" the answer? she says she doesn't care if the personal rights of the arabs are infringed upon as long as she's safe. i find it incredible that she can ignore the fact that not all brown people are arab, that not all arabs are terrorists and that wasting time searching every single arab-looking person will likely let would-be terrorists fall thru the cracks.

it the same type of rational was used in the japanese internment of the 1940s. the same idea that supported the racial profiling by police officers of african american males on highways.

i don't mind having some of my civil rights infringed upon if law enforcement authorities think i've done something suspicious to warrant examination. and as a brown person, this has happened to me. in fact, i welcome it b/c that means that the officers are exercising some discretion and not just blindly stopping anyone and everyone with a brown complexion. but there has to be a method to the madness and not just routine stops because if one thing the 9/11 terrorists have taught us, they have the patience to observe weaknesses and plan accordingly. why make it easier for them to attack us again by having such a predictable procedure in place?


Blogger happy roy said...

i still can't get over how fast these spammers act. how do they do this??

September 29, 2005 11:45 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

you should be more amazed by how fast i delete it!!!

i have no clue how they do it - and it drives me nuts

September 29, 2005 11:47 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

I dont think there is ever going to be a perfect way to deal with terrorism. but i agree with julie in that an approach that targets everyone who is "brown" is definetly not the way to go. This country shouldn't make people who support the US feel like they are also under attack - and just like julie said - terrorists are patient and are willing to wait and see problems with a system. which is why i think there needs to be a constant surprise or inconsistent method of search - like an impromptu search at the gate before getting on a place - or cameras watching people sitting waiting for planes and observing behavior - something that people don't expect....

September 29, 2005 11:53 AM  
Blogger happy roy said...

btw shawn i AM very impressed with your quickness. i clicked to comment and the spam was already gone. fast you are!

September 29, 2005 12:54 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

i try...

September 29, 2005 12:55 PM  
Blogger elad said...

well said, julie. we HAVE to remember that not all arabs are terrorists. it breaks my heart everytime i read a headline that says something like, "60 Iraqis killed in a car bombing" because these are regular people like you and me and their living in this totally destructive enviroment.

last night, i watched an Iraqi film produced in post-Saddam Iraq. funded jointly by Iran and Iraqi interests, it's the very human story of a boy who loves a girl who happen to live in Iraq. their world is so vastly different than ours and so, at least on the surface, bleak and tragic. Their homes (in the refugee camp where the story took place) are tents strung up between the husks of broken down tanks. The children make money by finding and disarming landmines and then selling them to the UN. it was a very interesting and inspirational film. not the best movie ever made, but highly recommended for its content and timing. it was called Turtles Can Fly.

September 29, 2005 5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read that article on Guriya's xanga site and it disturbed me immensely. Since I'm muslim, it scares me to hear things like that. It's crazy to me because being born in the USA is something I consider to be my biggest blessing. I always tell my little cousins (girls) how blessed we are to be Muslim women and live in the US - because the lives of most Muslim women in many countries is so bleak and uninformed while here we have so many opportunties to be aware of the world and contribute something positive. Her article sent shivers down my spine and I seriously couldn't stop thinking about it for days . . .

September 30, 2005 12:15 PM  
Blogger Muzzy said...


I don't know exactly what you were referring to by 'spammers' in your first post in this comment thread, but if you were referring to comments spam, you should consider turning on the 'Word Verification Option.' It's a free feature of Blogger, and will stop nearly all comment spam, cold. I've used it for several weeks now, and to great effect.

Read about it here:


October 13, 2005 12:52 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

we actually used to have the word verification - but elad was lazy and wanted to turn it its off and we just deal...

October 13, 2005 2:53 PM  

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