Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What's In A Name?

New Rule #3:

Hurricanes with old people names suck. They're weak and uninteresting. Rita? Pff. Makes you yearn for the days of Charley or Frances.

Rita barely did anything to South Florida, mucked up some trees in Key West and made a couple blocks lose power, but if you had seen the chaos on Monday caused by the media's scaremongering, you'd be amazed. Shawn was in a line as long as a bowling alley at the supermarket. My office was a complete basketcase with nobody working, just chatting about the possibilities of closings, going home early, and a lot of people talking about "shutters." And most of the people who work with me live north of miami where they maybe got a little rain and some wind.

A lot of people in Miami Beach and below left and headed north. Why?! Our neighborhoods were barely touched. People were cooped up in little apartments watching the news while Shawn and I ate cookies and cleaned the house! I wrote almost a complete story in that strange, wonderful, place known as the "mid-afternoon." I use to do all my writing in the midafternoon, after sleeping in followed by a late breakfast. It was good.

unfortunately, I lost a day of work and a day of pay. I normally wouldn't mind too much. But it seems like I've had a lot of days off lately with no pay. Hopefully I'll get promoted to a permanent position at my job in time for the upcoming Jewish holidays, then I'll get some paid days-off and I'll be happy as Hanukkah to stay home for a day!



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