Wednesday, March 01, 2006


New Rule:

Fast-food places need to stop hoarding napkins. We need them. We like them. We don't like food on our faces. I go to a lot of fast-food near my work and at Burger King and Dunkin Donuts, you can't grab your own napkins anymore. They give them out with the order and they usually give just one or two. I'm a messy eater. I like lots and lots of napkins.

And don't give me any shit that you're trying to save the environment. You're trying to save money, as usual. Meanwhile, hello, McDonalds, you have more money than God. (And, while I'm on the subject, those ridiculous Olympics ads you ran, McD's, were so cheap. SO boring. How bout a little virtual effects like those fun and bubbly Coke ads?)

Listen. I sympathize. I know you're knee-deep in a very crowded industry. I know Taco Bell is giving out burritos for like 74 cents and deli-style fast food is on the rise and you're just trying to cut corners and save a few bucks. But napkins are not where you should be focusing on!

Here's some sincere, heartfelt, advice: Stop building new stores. I guarantee that the United States has enough Burger King's and McDonalds and Wendy's. Just stop building new ones. Please.

We need to save space for Starbucks.


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