Friday, April 21, 2006

Interesting Science Facts

Here are 100 Science Facts that you may have not known already...

Some highlights:

Every year over one million earthquakes shake the Earth.

Every second around 100 lightning bolts strike the Earth.

In October 1999 an Iceberg the size of London broke free from the Antarctic ice shelf.

If you could drive your car straight up you would arrive in space in just over an hour.

The Earth is 4.56 billion years old...the same age as the Moon and the Sun.

The dinosaurs became extinct before the Rockies or the Alps were formed.

Astronauts cannot belch - there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their stomachs.

One million, million, million, million, millionth of a second after the Big Bang the Universe was the size of a ...pea.

The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.

In 5 billion years the Sun will run out of fuel and turn into a Red Giant.

A quarter of the world's plants are threatened with extinction by the year 2010.

More germs are transferred shaking hands than kissing.

If the Sun were the size of a beach ball then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball and the Earth would be as small as a pea.

There are more living organisms on the skin of each human than there are humans on the surface of the earth.

Around a million, billion neutrinos from the Sun will pass through your body while you read this sentence.

...and now they are already past the Moon.

Somewhere in the flicker of a badly tuned TV set is the background radiation from the Big Bang.


Blogger elad said...

very cool stuff!

April 21, 2006 5:38 PM  
Blogger Design By Bain said...

hmmm interesting, thanks shawn

April 28, 2006 12:13 PM  

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