Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Religious Week = A Religious Wiki

This week Jews and Christians have a lot to celebrate...

Passover and Easter are two very big holidays that usually end up around the same time of the year, but have nothing to do with each other.*

So let's go head to head of which is the better holiday....

Passover - Matzah
Easter - Dyed Eggs

Both can give you stomach problems.

Length of Dinner:
Passover - 5 hours to 7 days, depends on who you ask
Easter - About an hour

Both you end up sitting next to your crazy uncle and hope you don't have to hear the stories of his hippie days again or how matzah/dyed eggs always keeps him in the bathroom all night.

Religious Basis for the Holiday:
Passover - Exodus from Slavery in Egypt
Easter - Jesus Resurrection

Both have been used to justify the War in Iraq.

Passover - Moses
Easter - Easter Bunny

Both could be names of Gwenyth Paltrow's children.

Well, I guess there is no clear winner here. I will declare a tie and wish everyone a great Easter and Passover.

And if you really want to know more about these holidays - check out their Wiki articles: Passover and Easter

*There is one link between the 2 holidays, according to my Christian source and my Jewish Mother - Jesus ate Matzah at the last supper, which made it a Passover dinner (Seder). Thanks for the explanation Danya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're wrong that the holidays have nothing in common. In fact, Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. So if there was Matzoh back in his day, he was eating it at the Last Supper. That's why the two holidays always overlap, or more specifically, why Easter follows the start of Passover. Danya

April 11, 2006 11:37 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

yea i thought the "last supper" had something to do with passover - but i also thought that was a story my mom told me to show how everything is jewish

i should have been more specific - the two holidays are not celebrating the same things

April 11, 2006 11:51 AM  
Blogger elad said...

while we're on the subject, can i just say The Seder dinner is often longer and more dull than the Oscars. i know it's a pre-req for being Jewish but after twenty six years in this world, i'm SO done with the Seder. if i never do it again, i'll be happy. if not, i'll just kvetch like everyone else.

April 11, 2006 1:45 PM  

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