Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Indie Music Blog of the Day

Indie Blog Heaven is the blog for people with taste - much like this blog!

So what is Indie music all about? Well according to wikipedia - indie music can be any genre (rock, techno, punk etc) but has a do-it-yourself approach that is different than mainstream and commercial pop music.

The term indie has become known for a certain type of sound - but really it relates to how the music is made - through an independent record label or even independently in your home without any major record label financing.

Of course it doesn't stop there. Many people hear certain types of music and call it indie because they are more complex and well thought out. They focus more on self-expression rather than a commercial benefit. But even that doesn't always define indie either.

Some people may say indie is going against whatever the trend is. But what about now when the trendy thing to do is listen to indie music?

So what have we learned? It is impossible to define indie music because there are always exceptions.

Where does that leave us? Enjoying some great new music by groups like The Flaming Lips, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Broken Social Scene, Death Cab for Cutie, Franz Ferdinand....and the list goes on (no that isn't a name of an indie group).

So sit back and enjoy - who cares about the label anyway?

Want some more music blog links? Check it out!

Analog Giant


Mocking Music

Your Standard Life

Culture Bully

People of Paper

Comfortably Dumb

Nelie's Life

The Underrated Blog

...and finally an extra special blog that picks at each state, one at a time, and is named after a movie that is based on a bar located in my home town of Valley Stream, NY, Trees Lounge.



Blogger elad said...


April 05, 2006 3:28 PM  
Blogger Chris B said...

Cool thanks for explaining it all. I have been wondering what it all means.

I have always liked music that goes against the trend. Although most of what I listend too Im not so sure would have been classified as indie, more along the darker side. But alot of it was on independent labels. For instance - I like black tape for a blue girl, they are great! The founder, - Sam Rosenthal is very innovative and has some beautifull music (I dont like all of it but most is great).

Oh and Trees Lounge, thats funny - I saw the movie, but I didnt know it took place in Valley Stream - but I saw it before I met Lori so I wouldnt have known. (Not sure I would know even if I saw it now though.)

April 05, 2006 11:02 PM  

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