Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gawker Stalker - Does it Freak You Out?

The website Gawker (known to be the NYC Media and Entertainment news blog) has a page called Gawker Stalker. On this page people write in celeb sightings around NYC and Gawker posts the sighting with any comments - along with a map of NYC which pinpoints all the sightings.

You would find something like:
Jon Stewart
May 9th, 2006 @ 10am
I just saw Jon Stewart on the corner of Worth and Church, waiting to cross the street. He had some dunkin' donuts in his hand. He looked older than I expected.

Now doesn't this freak you out a bit? Before I saw the website I didn't think it was so bad - but now that I have seen how many people write in sightings and the comments that they make - it honestly freaks me out.

Imagine this:
8th Street and 2nd Ave
May 9th, 2006 at 12:15pm
I saw Shawn walking to a bank and eating a protein bar. Her hair looked awful. Her outfit mismatched. I would have thought she was thinner.

OUCH! Right?
But that is the kind of thing people write in.

What do you think of Gawker Stalker?



Blogger Shawn said...

Ohhh that is really scary! I hope that was Meredith or Michelle :)

Thanks for the haircut compliment -- im back to curly again!

May 10, 2006 9:33 AM  

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