Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lost - Season 3 - Episode 6 - I Do

Episode 6 is the point of the Season where Lost is supposed to give you a big cliffhanger and leave you in suspense until February 7, 2007!!! How CRUEL! So let's get to it...

We are at the Hydra and Juliet and Ben are trying to talk Jack into doing the surgery on Ben to get rid of the tumors on his spine. Jack informs Ben that he is at the point where the surgery should have already taken place and he isn't going to perform it because he doesn't trust that they will let him go after the surgery is over.

Back at the Pearl, Locke, Desmond, Nikki, Paulo, and Sayid are around Eko's body trying to figure out what killed Mr. Eko. Locke and Sayid head back to the beach to gather things to bury Eko (which they plan on doing at the place where he died) and during that trip Sayid asks Locke what killed Eko. Locke knows what that thing is (that some people call a monster) but can't really explain what it is to Sayid (really who can explain what that thing is?)

Flashbacks throughout the episode show Kate's brief marriage to the guy from Serenity. Kate was going by the name Monica. Her husband, Kevin, is a police officer and they are living the french toast/taco night/white picket fence kind of life. One morning over breakfast Kevin gives Monica/Kate tickets to Costa Rica (on Oceanic airlines) for their delayed honeymoon. One night at the supermarket Kate calls US Marshall Mars and tells him she wants to stop running. Mars tells her he doesn't think she can settle down for long enough. Back at home Monica/Kate takes a pregnancy test and finds out she isn't pregnant. She drugs Kevin, tells him about her fugitive status and runs off (perhaps to Australia using those Oceanic tickets?)

Back at the Hydra, the others drag Kate out to work and she insists that Sawyer come with her. During their work a siren goes off and Alex runs out with a slingshot. She starts shouting about the fact that they killed her boyfriend and warns Kate they are going to do the same to Sawyer. Juliet then comes out and asks Kate to put the bag on her head and come with her. At first Kate resists but complies when she thinks Sawyer is going to get killed if she doesn't. Kate is taken to Jack to convince him to do the surgery. In a very emotional scene Kate tells Jack that he should do it and he refuses.

Kate is sent back to the cage and tells Sawyer what happened with Jack. Sawyer is happy Jack didn't agree to do the surgery. Kate climbs out of her cage and FINALLY some ACTION goes down!!! Yes that is right, Kate and Sawyer GET IT ON! I don't know why nobody came out and stopped them but hey finally we get something steamy going on. Oh and Sawyer tells Kate that he loves her.
Back at the Pearl, Locke and that crew bury Mr. Eko. They brought his stick to bury with Eko. John notices on the stick the following engraving: "Lift up your eyes, and look north, John 3:05". Hmm wonder what that means considering Eko told Locke last week that he is next.

Back at the Hydra, Jack hears static on the intercom and is told to open the door. He gets out and goes into the surveillance room. In there he sees a naked Kate and Sawyer in the cage. He also has a chance to grab a gun. Ben comes in and tells him he was also surprised because he thought Kate would have ended up with Jack. Jack agrees to do the surgery (why the change of heart?) but Ben must give Jack his word that he will help Jack escape from the Island, which Ben does.

During surgery Jack turns the tables and makes a cut into Ben's kidney that could kill him in an hour if it isn't fixed. During that time Pickett went to kill Sawyer (even though Jack agreed to do the surgery). Pickett says that "Shephard (Jack) was never on Jacob's list" - what does that mean? (Click here to read The Tail Section's theory that there is a divide between the Others and possibly a person from the Others still mixed in with the survivors) Anyway, Jack tells Tom to get Pickett on the walkie talkie and put Kate on. Jack tells Kate that she has an hour to RUN and she resists but Jack insists that she run.

(Pictures this week courtesy of Lost Easter Eggs and Lost-the

Until February...

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Blogger kovoor36 said...

february. how stinky!! they better be a good next 16 episodes!!!

November 10, 2006 10:26 AM  

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