Thursday, January 25, 2007

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts....

As we are headed towards Valentine's Day, I'd like to share with you something that I've recently fallen in love with. It's petite and curvy, and satisfies me in a way that few things can....Minds out of the gutters perverts, I'm talking about The Republic of Tea's new line of White Iced Teas. In particular, I'm enamored with the Vanilla Coconut.

Considering that it's currently January, and that there's rumors we might have snow where I live this weekend, I'm longing for the delights of summer. What could be more summer than a refreshing sip of Coconut? Why, it's practically a tropical vacation in a bottle! Okay, that's a stretch, but it's pretty good for a beverage. Alright, it's damn good for a bottled tea. It's like a sippable vacation!

Put down your Starbucks, push back that tired bottle of Diet Coke, and go and pick yourself up a few bottles of this stuff. I found mine at the grocery store, but I've also seen it in gas station convenience stores. The bottled tea also comes in a variety of other tasty flavors, including Peach and Pomegranate varieties. Try them all!


Blogger Shawn said...

oo i love tea! must try!

January 25, 2007 4:08 PM  

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