Monday, February 12, 2007

I Don't Get It

Why is everyone calling Tyra Banks fat? Girl looks good to me!

I know this is old news already but I guess Tyra still hasn't gotten over it and now on her TV show she is going to re-make her Sports Illustrated swimsuit shot from years ago to prove she still looks good. (At least that's what I heard she was going to do, I am not home to actually watch the show.)

Whatever Tyra - you should have just kept your mouth shut and not feed into it. We all know you aren't supermodel Tyra anymore but you don't need to go proving anything to us. And in the meantime all the "fat" girls watching your TV show are probably not liking how you are getting all up-ity about being called fat. You try to get everyone to love themselves but the second you are picked on you go nuts trying to prove them wrong. If you are fat or not - just accept yourself.

In case you missed it - here is Tyra going nuts on her show about being called fat by the tabloids.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad for her she still has the money to make herself skinny again...dont be surprised she comes up with some kind of diet pill...


February 12, 2007 12:38 PM  

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