Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Yom Kippur Wishes

It's the Jewish "Day of Atonement" tomorrow. We celebrate/mourn the year's passing with a big feast followed by a fast (which makes a weird sort of sense actually). I don't fast - it's too hard, and I don't believe I have any real sins to atone for. I'm no saint, but I believe that my sins are mine to hold onto and keep and deal with on my own accord. But others feel differently and I respect them for it.

In other news, my dad's in town, visiting for the holiday. It's strange and joyous to see him, alone now without my wicked stepmother in tow (he's undergoing a divorce (finally)). He seems proud of me, for my life and what I've accomplished and how well my girlfriend can cook.

Instead of focusing on the bad things over the past year (none come to mind, actually), I'd rather take stock of what I have. There's so much sadness in the world and we see it everyday in the news, my heart goes out to people affected by hurricanes and earthquakes and war, it's important for all of us around the world to appreciate the joys and happiness of everyday life.

This holiday - though it's not what the holiday was intended for - I intend to do just that.


Blogger Shawn said...

Damn i dont know how i am going to fast tommorow - i havent ate anything since breakfast (like four hours ago) and i am staving!

Very touching post elad - I agree that it is a good time to take stock in the joys that are out there when so much hardship surrounds us. My fasting will be both to give thanks for what I have and also to attone what I may have done wrong and to remember all the hardships in the world too (i can do it all!)

October 12, 2005 10:06 AM  
Blogger elad said...

thanks! and best of luck, shawn. i'll do my part to help you in any way i can. :)

October 12, 2005 10:31 AM  

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