Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Yoga Stresses Me Out

Part of my new years resolutions was to continue going to the gym - and guess what - I have been really good the past few weeks! But I have been thinking about how I am not getting the results I want so maybe I should try different exercises. I have heard a million times that yoga is supposed to be the best to get lean long muscles - plus to be more flexible and have a better calm energy.

So I made it a point to take a yoga class. Yesterday I waited anxiously to start on a new "path" to a healthy lifestyle. Well guess what. After 15 minutes I walked out. I was stressing out the entire time about not being able to stretch correctly or get into the right positions. Meanwhile everyone around me is looking good while I fall on my ass. So I gave up. I figured yoga was gonna have the opposite effect on me if I couldn't stay calm and relaxed while doing it.

And please don't try to give me tips or suggestions - this is not the first time I have walked out of a yoga class and I think I just need to face the facts that yoga is not for me.


Blogger Shawn said...

that is exactly how i felt. down with yoga!

February 01, 2006 4:15 PM  
Blogger Design By Bain said...

I became a yoga teacher, and haven't done it in a long time, now just thinking about trying stresses me out, but eventually i will get back to it. I've noticed when i used to teach people that they would get stressed, so i always tried to take it easy on them, it was definetly better one-on-one, cause then they had no-one to compare themselves too.

I think some people are just not yoga people, and the rest of us just force ourselves to be. I'll take a walk on the beach over yoga anyday.

February 02, 2006 11:32 AM  

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