Monday, October 23, 2006

this rings all too close to home for me

before you think i'm contemplating suicide, fear not, i'm not. but i must admit that the realization of just how much debt i'm in and how much i have to pay for the next 30 years is killing me.

i tore the medial meniscus in my left knee 10 days ago. it was a classic case of negligence on the part of the lounge-owner -- i slipped and fell because the premises had failed to mop up some spilled liquid on the floor. anyway, despite having gone to law school and being an *almost* lawyer (hopefully i'll be a full-fledged attorney in 12 days!), i had no interest in suing. however, my litigator brother pointed out that if surgical intervention could get me at least $100,000 in compensatory and punitive damages. is it shameful that i thought twice about suing? i have to admit that the $67k i'd get after the contingency fee would go a long way towards paying my loans off before i die. :(


Blogger Shawn said...

sadly that would make a very minor dent in my loans :(

I am also on that 30 year plan...and watch out for those variable interest rate private loans...they will screw you.

October 23, 2006 1:53 PM  
Blogger happy roy said...

luckily (or not, depending how you look at it), my private loans are 10 year loans, so while that means my monthly payments are considerably higher, at least i don't have to worry about it in 11 years!

i knew you'd feel my pain, shawn. why don't you go slip and fall in the supermarket and fix your problems? :)

October 23, 2006 2:00 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

hmmm....deep pockets.....

nah, I think I will pass on that - rather not be in physical pain

October 23, 2006 2:04 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

oh and when i start making that big salary in a few years it will all be worth it (right?)

October 23, 2006 2:05 PM  

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