Monday, February 05, 2007

All the world is waiting for you....

As the theme song's lyrics go, "all the world is waiting for you, and the powers you possess...," and it appears that we will continue to wait.

The much ballyhooed Joss Whedon WONDER WOMAN pic is apparently off! According to his own words, it simply came down to differing views. You can read the whole post he blogged, here.
I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed. I was a huge fan of the 1980's Lynda Carter television series, and would love to see a big screen version made. I really thought that Whedon, who brought us the fantastic BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER franchise would be just the one to deliver a hit. I think that Joss could have given us a Wonder Woman that was more cutting edge, and less campy. Now, unfortunately, we'll probably wind up with a vehicle that is a schlocky rehash of the now campy series. Instead of a hip rebirth, we'll get a film that is more in line with the Charlie's Angels remakes - a mocking satire of the original show.
A bit disappointing, in my opinion. In other related news, check out this online listing of actresses who are rumored to be frontrunners to don the infamous bustier! Of the actresses listed, I really like Charisma Carpenter, Katherine Heigl, and the formidable Angelina Jolie.
Who would you pay to see doing flybys in an invisible jet?


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