Monday, February 05, 2007

Your IQ

What does your IQ mean in the long run? Does it effect your chance of getting divorced or your quality of life? This chart suggests that your IQ correlates to your career potential, poverty and incarceration, among other things. (From Digg)

And speaking of IQ....Chris Langan is supposed to have the highest IQ. He set the record on an IQ Test for having the highest IQ (190-210). Check out this You tube Video of Chris.

Wonder how smart you are? Check out this tricky Intelligence Test.

Don't let this IQ thing get you down - there is still hope for all of you! This site shows you how to get a FREE College Education Online. I know this sounds like a cheap advertisement but really it's not. Check out the site and you will see that tons of universities and colleges offer free online classes where you can learn things like sign language, mathematics, various languages plus way way can even check out classes from Ivy League schools.

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