Thursday, February 01, 2007

Heroes - Season 1, Episode 13 - The Fix

Another great week of Heroes....where do we begin?

Nikki, D.L and Mikah

Nikki is still in jail and has worked out some insanity/multiple personality defense. Her psychologist wants to talk to Jessica and Nikki is against it.

Meanwhile DL is having major problems being a dad and making ends meet. He sneaks into Nikki's padded cell/room to get her to come with him to take care of Mikah. Nikki refuses and says DL gotta step up and keep Mikah in line.

Mikah is feeling his dad's stress and reveals his powers to fix the problems. He can control machines!!! He gets ATMs to give him loads of money to pay the bills!! (Awesome power!)

Peter/Claude and Nathan/Mohinder

Nathan goes to Mohinder to try and find Peter. Mohinder has no info but really wants to find Peter so he can study his powers and help the heroes.

Peter is off chasing Claude to try and learn how to control his powers. Claude wants to be left alone and tells Peter to get lost.

Nathan and Mohinder find Peter at Peter's apartment (wow, why didn't they look there first?) and Peter doesn't want to go with them to be tested. He fakes them out and then Claude somehow shows up and gives Peter his invisibility power so Nathan and Mohinder think Peter escaped (by flying, thanks to Nathan's power) and they run off looking for him.

Why did Claude come back?

Claire, Zach, The Hatian (why doesn't he have a name?)

Claire is obsessed with finding out who her real parents are. She asks the Haitian to help and he will only tell her his mother died and he knows nothing of her father.

Her and Zach do some research and find out about a fire that happened in Kermit, Texas, when Claire was less than two years old. There is an article that says the mother and daughter died in the fire. I'm not exactly sure how Claire made the connection that the dead daughter could be her - but she ends up calling every person in the phone book who could somehow be related to Meredith Gordon (her mother who supposedly died in the fire). Somehow she reaches Meredith and she shows us she can create fire with her hands (her secret power).

OK so I could see Claire surviving a fire when she was little because of her powers but all of this random phone calls, random news paper articles and random fire is just out there. They could have come up with a better way to pull it all together.

Hiro and Ando

Hiro and Ando are going back to their car in some random parking lot when they are chased down by a mysterious abduction van. They hide out for awhile but eventually Ando is caught and Hiro won't let Ando go alone so he gives himself in. While in the van some stranger (white guy who speaks perfect Japanese) tries to get them to go back to Japan.

Hiro refuses to go back and says tell your boss I'm not going anywhere. The boss comes out and it is none other than Hiro's father!

All the rest...

Matt and his wife are dealing with her knowing about his powers. Matt's actions with the paper company have caused him to get suspended from his job for six months. He goes home to deal with a bathroom flood and finds out his wife is pregnant.

Mr. Bennet is told Sylar is dead. He goes to check out the body and he finds Hank (an assistant) dead instead. Sylar is standing behind him and asks "How's Claire?"

(pictures from Buzz Sugar and Wikipedia)

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