Thursday, February 01, 2007

Into Every Life A Little Rain Must Fall....

All I wanted was a little friggin snow.
Not a lot, mind you...a little.
I'm not asking for mountains I can sled down.
I'm not asking for waist deep fluff that I can mound into snowmen.
I have no desire to ski, throw snowballs, or even make a lousy snow angel.
All I wanted was a little friggin snow.
Enough snow to dust the ground, scare the Georgians, and allow me to stay at home in bed.
That's all.
Did I get that? NO.
Instead, I wake to rain. Cold rain. Is there anything worse, really? Karen Carpenter sang about how it was "rainy days and Mondays" that always got her down. Well, for me folks, you can say that it's rainy days on Thursday....especially when it should have been snowing.

What a ripoff. Whoever famously said that "into every life a little rain must fall," didn't know the half of it.


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