Friday, May 11, 2007

Miami, What's Up This Weekend?

You all know my LOVE for the 2nd Saturday of each month - Art night in the Design District and Wynwood.

This weekend a special event is being hosted by Sara Liss at the Zeitgeist Showroom (3886 Biscayne Blvd, Design District). Check out the flyer above.

From Sara: There will be cocktails by Rain Organic Vodka and plenty of interesting folks to mingle with. The event will probably go until 10 pm so drop by on your walk through the Design District.

At the event, there will be presentations by dynamic personalities involved in green businesses or projects. The format is 20 slides, 20 seconds to talk per slide so it will be fast (only 6 and half minutes per presenter) and not boring (hopefully!). Sort of like a fast, fun, lecture with images.

And what is a good event without a great after party? Head over to Grass Lounge (28 NE 40th St, Design District) - one of the newest hot spots in the Design District that I am just dying to check out.

So all of you come out and get Organic Vodka and take in the scene!

(click here for a previous post with more details about the Design District and Wynwood)

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Blogger Design By Bain said...

exciting, wish I would have joined you!

Awesome to know miami is embracing green

May 13, 2007 8:14 PM  

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