Thursday, August 18, 2005

It's Not Right.

What's going on in Israel/Gaza right now is wrong. I think it's something that had to be done. The formation of a Palestinian state is inevitable, those who try to halt progress in that direction - be they Jew, Palestinian, or American - are not allowing themselves to see modern reality. In this new, civilized, century, "occupations" are not feasible. They're not moral and progressive societies need to get rid of them.

I understand the protesters to some degree. People do not want to be uprooted, even though they've lived in the most dangerous of situations. Many idealistic teenagers not from the settlements came to protest, fearing future attacks and probably future wars that they will have to fight due to Israel's mandatory military policy. They don't want to become like the guy to above, a soldier ordered to forcefully remove fellow Jews from their homes and synagogues.

I wish the government of Israel would have prepared better for this, perhaps asking UN Peacekeepers or American troops (we've got a lot of them nearby) to come help or take over this whole "removal" process. I feel like if we had a President who wasn't distracted with vacations and unnecessary wars, America would be there right now to do the hard, necessary, things, instead of pitting one Jew against another. That goes against the whole ideology of Israel. It's not right.


Blogger elad said...

Maybe I'm wrong.

I just watched some TV coverage of the events going on in the remaining settlements and I feel like now it's better that's brother and brother hand in hand in this hard endeavor.

I saw some amazing footage of unarmed soliders pleading with protestors to come outside. Four soliders lifting up a person and carrying him on his back out the door, his hand keeping his kippa on his head.

August 18, 2005 11:56 AM  
Blogger Scorps1027 said...

It's an unfortunate situation, but i feel it's inevitable and completely unavoidable. I think either side would have been upset and reacted badly anyway. I am glad that SOMETHING is being done though because it's such a dangerous situation terrorism-wise.

August 18, 2005 2:45 PM  

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