Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Maybe I Should Take It Back?

According to Sploid and MSNBC this picture was released years ago - and was taken on August 6, 2001. The MSNBC article takes an interesting look at the role Bush's counsel has played in his private life, in covering up his drunk driving records, and how she was by his side in Florida on September 11th and the aftermath.

Why do we care about this picture? On August 6, 2001, Bush was given "The secret presidential-briefing papers detailing Osama Bin Laden's terror plans using hijacked planes piloted by terrorists already living within the United States."

To steal from Sploid a little more....
If you remembered that the Bush Administration lied again and again about this memo and the threats expressed -- first they claimed they couldn't even imagine such a thing, then they claimed there was no imminent threat, and then three years later the 9/11 Commission managed to extract the long-denied Presidential Daily Briefing -- then you might also wonder how much Harriet Miers knows about the continuing White House coverup regarding the Sept. 11 attacks.

And, if you enjoy the exercise of wondering about such things, you might wonder why it may be very, very important for the Bush Administration to have someone on the Supreme Court who knows how very, very important it is to make sure certain secrets always remain secret.


Blogger elad said...

Despite the progressive decisions in your previous post, the truth that she is Bush's lawyer can be denied. She's proven herself loyal beyond any others in his cabinet (otherwise they'd already be on the Supreme Court). As a result of this and Bush's crony-ism, so we have a more incenstous-than-ever atmosphere in Washington. The kind of "You scratch my back, I'll promote you" attitude that seemed to be in fashion around Roman times.

October 05, 2005 10:06 AM  

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