Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Why We Love Google (I Should Start Numbering These)

Google Click-to-Call

We're testing a new product that gives you a free and fast way to speak directly to the advertiser you found on a Google search results page – over the phone.

Here's how it works: When you click the phone icon, you can enter your phone number. Once you click 'Connect For Free,' Google calls the number you provided. When you pick up, you hear ringing on the other end as Google connects you to the other party. Then, chat away on our dime.

We won't share your telephone number with anyone, including the advertiser. When you're connected with the advertiser, your number is blocked so the advertiser can't see it. In addition, we'll delete the number from our servers after a short period of time.

Cool! Now you don't have to look up the advertiser's phone number - just click and it calls! Yet another reason to love Google and the Internet

(let's just rename the internet to google already!)

Thanks Digg for the link.



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