Project Runway Recap - Finale Part 1
What is it about Project Runway that makes it so appealing? There are reality shows I love because of the drama. There are sitcoms I love because of the humor. Project Runway I love because it has it all and doesn't forget the fact that these people have real talent and are going to show it.
That is why Olympus Fashion Week is so important. Like Chloe said - winning Project Runway validates the fact that she is a talented designer. Screw what has happened so far - this is the main event! These final three definitely have talent, and we are about to see what they can do without the constraints of time, place, and having to design around a specific challenge. We are about to see raw Santino, Chloe and Daniel Vosovik.
So we start off with Hiedi announcing that the designers will now go home and design their collections for fashion week. But in the Project Runway Fashion, not before a little toast to the occasion.

The designers marvel at the NYC skyline around them - and then we get one more taste of the Santino that we adore:

Actually that middle finger represents Santino in the final 3- he wasn't trying to be crude. See we really are all taking what Santino says the wrong way!
Well that was Santino before he knew what he looked like on tv. What does he look like after?

That's right. He is a family man! A soft and fuzzy Santino. The type that can be put on a birthday cake like Mickey Mouse:

(picture courtesy of Santino Rice's blog)
Whoa, I think I just had a Cute Overload. Ok so those aren't his kids - but they are his "family" - get the Kleenex out.
Tim Gunn visits Santino and is introduced to a dark and scary world. Homelessness. Poverty. Being "different" - the odd one out. Bi-racial?

I had no idea. But don't let the sad story fool you. His life may have had its bumps, but Santino still managed to be the life of the party. I guess I should say something here about being given lemons and making lemonade? But deep down inside we can't forget who Santino's biggest critic is - himself! He wants to make sure the Santino who is seen in this episode is way different than the competitive soul eating Santino that we saw all season.
But what are we really here for? Santino or his designs? Let's get to the goodies:

Tim Gunn is impressed. And honestly I am too. Santino has really shown that he isn't all floof, embellishments, and feathers. He has a refined style that we expect to see out of Nick or Andrae. Maybe this game is his for the taking?
He talks about his inspiration being the 1940's Hollywood glamour and rock and roll. Thank God he added in that rock and roll part, because I got a flashback to Kara Saun's 1940's Hollywood/Aviator inspired collection from last year. What is it about this people from LA and their love for mid-1900's Hollywood Glamour?
So after a full segment and commercial break we get two short visits with Danny V. and Chloe. Hmmm maybe this really is the Santino show?

Daniel Vosovic gets a visit at his apartment in NYC from Tim Gunn. He has a new haircut and is all about business!

We do get a little background story (sorry no kids and sunsets in this segment) about how Daniel had to come out about being gay to his family - and how supportive they are - and all that other fun stuff. Danny then tells us about how he is going for military details with Japanese culture. That is definitely not the feel I was getting - but Tim approved and that made Danny happy.
Then Tim and Daniel go shopping for a new jacket for Fashion Week - Tim wants to know if he should call Nick for this excursion!?

(picture courtesy of Four Four)
That would have been fun - one last taste of Nick. Oh but lucky us (as we soon find out) we haven't heard or seen the last of Nick.
Tim now travels to Texas to visit Chloe, who is living at home with her family and her 7 sisters.

We hear about how her family tried to escape from Vietnam (or was it Laos?) before the war began. How the kids were sent out to orphanages and the whole family ended up in prison for trying to escape. And how lucky they are to all be together - mom dad and the 8 girls (and maybe 50 grandkids) all in the same town.
Since Chloe is a sweetie we don't need the sunsets or kiddies to make us love her. But after seeing where she is on her collection we begin to fear for her. She doesn't have much done and she doesn't do sketches. Tim looks worried because he doesn't know where she is going - and neither does she!

It's organic - whatever comes out of her - and that is going to be the collection. Wonder if that will cut it for fashion week?
Finally the gang is headed back to NYC to finish off their line before fashion week.
Daniel shows up first - a little confident about his self proclaimed "hot" collection - and SUP BITCHES we didn't know he made handbags!

He's got definite pride - maybe he learned it from Santino - and he is ready for fashion week!
Then Chloe shows up - she is happy to see Danny - worried about what Santino is going to say or do - and is ready to pull a Shetangy on his ass!

You Don't Know Me!
But before Santino shows up, Danny and Chloe cuddle and enjoy the last Santino free moment.

And here he is. We thought he would walk in - hands in the air - shouting from the rooftops. But nope - he is somber. He admits he watches the show and reads what all of the blogs say about him. (Hi Santino - I hope you are reading this!) He realized he doesn't want to be hated - but according to Chloe and Danny - he has made his bed and needs to lie in it! But I have a feeling that if Santino plays nice they are willing to forgive him - or at least play nice back.
The designers are sent to a Banana Republic workroom - where they unpack their collections and eye the competition.
Now I really wish I had a picture of last year's workroom for fashion week. I think that there were three small tables in a cubicle sized shaped room - and the designers were literally working on top of each other. The fact that the designers were given such lavish space this season made me think that this luxury wasn't coming without a price.
Tim comes in to get the latest on each designer's collection. He has rave reviews for Santino - who should be proud of himself - and he gives Chloe a thumbs up - but he doesn't have a word to say to Daniel. Of course Daniel now thinks Tim hates him - but Tim says he is just waiting to see how it looks on the models before he says anything.
Now what happens from here to the end was pretty boring. The three go pick out models with Michael Kors, their old models come in for fittings. New models come in for fittings. Tim comes by again and has more criticism for Daniel. And now FINALLY the surprise.
The designers are told they have to design one more outfit for Olympus Fashion week.

Congrats to Praddicted who commented on Blogging Project Runway and first predicted that this was going to be the twist!
No way that would get a good reaction. These designers are tired and have exhausted their limits on what they can design. But lucky for them - there is one more surprise. Enter the cast of Project Runway Season 2 - each designer gets to pick one assistant from the group! YAY MORE PROJECT RUNWAY FUN WITH THE OLD DESIGNERS!
Danny picks Nick:

Sounds about right. In my mind it was going to be either Nick or Andrae.
Santino picks Andrae:

Well now that Nick was chosen of course he picked Andrae - who else could Santino stand to work with anyway?
Chloe picks Diana?

Yea that was a bit of a shock. I thought she would have picked Kara - but I guess Kara was taken because she did have to show at Fashion week also. I never realized the two of them bonded during the season. Asian pride I guess? Either way I am happy because I have always loved Diana and thought from the first episode that she could make it to Fashion Week (and now in some way she did!) I also always thought Nick could make it to Fashion Week - and now he is here too! We are all winners!
The designers have 30 minutes to sketch and then off to Mood:

Santino is completely frazzled. Chloe moved past her tears and decided on more gold fabric. And Danny knows he has work to do!
After looking at the complete collections of Santino, Chloe and Danny I think that these three are the 13th designs:

I am not sure why I pick this one. Maybe because it looks very simple and made quickly. His line as a whole doesn't have anything that sticks out as different.

This one is easy because during the end of the episode she says he is going to use gold and make a baby-doll dress. This is clearly it.

The reason I picked this is because it is the only outfit that has a "Santino-ism" - or is over the top. That jacket is completely unwearable in real life and has a lot of edge that none of the other designs have. Considering that now we know Santino can refine himself when he has time, and that he goes over the top when he has constraints - then his could be his 13th.
I watched the ending of this episode again last night and I realized I picked the wrong 13th for Santino:

I now pick this one because I saw the fabric he choose at Mood and it is the same color as this dress.
And the winner of Project Runway? I am going to say Santino. Maybe because the editors were trying to get the viewer to love him this week? Maybe because Tim had only good things to say about his collection (and Tim is all-knowing)? Maybe because Daniel and Chloe's lines lacked something. Maybe because I thought Santino was going to win when I first saw him on the screen. Maybe because Santino and I are both Leos? I don't know. He is the man you love to hate right? Well I'll admit I have love for Santino - so hate me for it!
That is why Olympus Fashion Week is so important. Like Chloe said - winning Project Runway validates the fact that she is a talented designer. Screw what has happened so far - this is the main event! These final three definitely have talent, and we are about to see what they can do without the constraints of time, place, and having to design around a specific challenge. We are about to see raw Santino, Chloe and Daniel Vosovik.
So we start off with Hiedi announcing that the designers will now go home and design their collections for fashion week. But in the Project Runway Fashion, not before a little toast to the occasion.

The designers marvel at the NYC skyline around them - and then we get one more taste of the Santino that we adore:

Actually that middle finger represents Santino in the final 3- he wasn't trying to be crude. See we really are all taking what Santino says the wrong way!
Well that was Santino before he knew what he looked like on tv. What does he look like after?

That's right. He is a family man! A soft and fuzzy Santino. The type that can be put on a birthday cake like Mickey Mouse:

(picture courtesy of Santino Rice's blog)
Whoa, I think I just had a Cute Overload. Ok so those aren't his kids - but they are his "family" - get the Kleenex out.
Tim Gunn visits Santino and is introduced to a dark and scary world. Homelessness. Poverty. Being "different" - the odd one out. Bi-racial?

I had no idea. But don't let the sad story fool you. His life may have had its bumps, but Santino still managed to be the life of the party. I guess I should say something here about being given lemons and making lemonade? But deep down inside we can't forget who Santino's biggest critic is - himself! He wants to make sure the Santino who is seen in this episode is way different than the competitive soul eating Santino that we saw all season.
But what are we really here for? Santino or his designs? Let's get to the goodies:

Tim Gunn is impressed. And honestly I am too. Santino has really shown that he isn't all floof, embellishments, and feathers. He has a refined style that we expect to see out of Nick or Andrae. Maybe this game is his for the taking?
He talks about his inspiration being the 1940's Hollywood glamour and rock and roll. Thank God he added in that rock and roll part, because I got a flashback to Kara Saun's 1940's Hollywood/Aviator inspired collection from last year. What is it about this people from LA and their love for mid-1900's Hollywood Glamour?
So after a full segment and commercial break we get two short visits with Danny V. and Chloe. Hmmm maybe this really is the Santino show?

Daniel Vosovic gets a visit at his apartment in NYC from Tim Gunn. He has a new haircut and is all about business!

We do get a little background story (sorry no kids and sunsets in this segment) about how Daniel had to come out about being gay to his family - and how supportive they are - and all that other fun stuff. Danny then tells us about how he is going for military details with Japanese culture. That is definitely not the feel I was getting - but Tim approved and that made Danny happy.
Then Tim and Daniel go shopping for a new jacket for Fashion Week - Tim wants to know if he should call Nick for this excursion!?

(picture courtesy of Four Four)
That would have been fun - one last taste of Nick. Oh but lucky us (as we soon find out) we haven't heard or seen the last of Nick.
Tim now travels to Texas to visit Chloe, who is living at home with her family and her 7 sisters.

We hear about how her family tried to escape from Vietnam (or was it Laos?) before the war began. How the kids were sent out to orphanages and the whole family ended up in prison for trying to escape. And how lucky they are to all be together - mom dad and the 8 girls (and maybe 50 grandkids) all in the same town.
Since Chloe is a sweetie we don't need the sunsets or kiddies to make us love her. But after seeing where she is on her collection we begin to fear for her. She doesn't have much done and she doesn't do sketches. Tim looks worried because he doesn't know where she is going - and neither does she!

It's organic - whatever comes out of her - and that is going to be the collection. Wonder if that will cut it for fashion week?
Finally the gang is headed back to NYC to finish off their line before fashion week.
Daniel shows up first - a little confident about his self proclaimed "hot" collection - and SUP BITCHES we didn't know he made handbags!

He's got definite pride - maybe he learned it from Santino - and he is ready for fashion week!
Then Chloe shows up - she is happy to see Danny - worried about what Santino is going to say or do - and is ready to pull a Shetangy on his ass!

You Don't Know Me!
But before Santino shows up, Danny and Chloe cuddle and enjoy the last Santino free moment.

And here he is. We thought he would walk in - hands in the air - shouting from the rooftops. But nope - he is somber. He admits he watches the show and reads what all of the blogs say about him. (Hi Santino - I hope you are reading this!) He realized he doesn't want to be hated - but according to Chloe and Danny - he has made his bed and needs to lie in it! But I have a feeling that if Santino plays nice they are willing to forgive him - or at least play nice back.
The designers are sent to a Banana Republic workroom - where they unpack their collections and eye the competition.
Now I really wish I had a picture of last year's workroom for fashion week. I think that there were three small tables in a cubicle sized shaped room - and the designers were literally working on top of each other. The fact that the designers were given such lavish space this season made me think that this luxury wasn't coming without a price.
Tim comes in to get the latest on each designer's collection. He has rave reviews for Santino - who should be proud of himself - and he gives Chloe a thumbs up - but he doesn't have a word to say to Daniel. Of course Daniel now thinks Tim hates him - but Tim says he is just waiting to see how it looks on the models before he says anything.
Now what happens from here to the end was pretty boring. The three go pick out models with Michael Kors, their old models come in for fittings. New models come in for fittings. Tim comes by again and has more criticism for Daniel. And now FINALLY the surprise.
The designers are told they have to design one more outfit for Olympus Fashion week.

Congrats to Praddicted who commented on Blogging Project Runway and first predicted that this was going to be the twist!
No way that would get a good reaction. These designers are tired and have exhausted their limits on what they can design. But lucky for them - there is one more surprise. Enter the cast of Project Runway Season 2 - each designer gets to pick one assistant from the group! YAY MORE PROJECT RUNWAY FUN WITH THE OLD DESIGNERS!
Danny picks Nick:

Sounds about right. In my mind it was going to be either Nick or Andrae.
Santino picks Andrae:

Well now that Nick was chosen of course he picked Andrae - who else could Santino stand to work with anyway?
Chloe picks Diana?

Yea that was a bit of a shock. I thought she would have picked Kara - but I guess Kara was taken because she did have to show at Fashion week also. I never realized the two of them bonded during the season. Asian pride I guess? Either way I am happy because I have always loved Diana and thought from the first episode that she could make it to Fashion Week (and now in some way she did!) I also always thought Nick could make it to Fashion Week - and now he is here too! We are all winners!
The designers have 30 minutes to sketch and then off to Mood:

Santino is completely frazzled. Chloe moved past her tears and decided on more gold fabric. And Danny knows he has work to do!
After looking at the complete collections of Santino, Chloe and Danny I think that these three are the 13th designs:

I am not sure why I pick this one. Maybe because it looks very simple and made quickly. His line as a whole doesn't have anything that sticks out as different.

This one is easy because during the end of the episode she says he is going to use gold and make a baby-doll dress. This is clearly it.

The reason I picked this is because it is the only outfit that has a "Santino-ism" - or is over the top. That jacket is completely unwearable in real life and has a lot of edge that none of the other designs have. Considering that now we know Santino can refine himself when he has time, and that he goes over the top when he has constraints - then his could be his 13th.
I watched the ending of this episode again last night and I realized I picked the wrong 13th for Santino:

I now pick this one because I saw the fabric he choose at Mood and it is the same color as this dress.
And the winner of Project Runway? I am going to say Santino. Maybe because the editors were trying to get the viewer to love him this week? Maybe because Tim had only good things to say about his collection (and Tim is all-knowing)? Maybe because Daniel and Chloe's lines lacked something. Maybe because I thought Santino was going to win when I first saw him on the screen. Maybe because Santino and I are both Leos? I don't know. He is the man you love to hate right? Well I'll admit I have love for Santino - so hate me for it!
Labels: Project Runway
For me Shawn, it's the focus on the talent and the creative process that sets this show apart. Yes, the personalities play a part as they do in any Reality TV show but these people are really good at what they do.
This is the one reality show that doesn't have to manufacture drama and it drives me cray-z when they do it anyways!
There is so much talent on this show - that is what keeps me hooked - to see what is put on the runway. The "characters" do add to it though - I mean how can you put a room full of creative, talented, dramatic artists and not expect there to be some singing, fighting, dancing, hating, loving and of course competition.
Can't wait to see the real finale! I will miss it when its over.
Thank you so much for this blog. I love season 2, it was the personalities so far. Season 1 only had Jay and Austin, and the only one worth remembering from season 3 is Jeffrey.
Tim Gunn's my biggest idol. I still keep saying "What happened to AndraƩ?". Best quote ever.
Thanks annonymous...glad you enjoyed the blogging!
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