Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What is this Diet Thing All About?

Like many people part of my New Years Resolution was to eat better/lose weight. For a little over two weeks I have really started focusing on this goal. I have changed my eating habits completely and I think I am starting to see results (but I don't know for sure because I don't have a scale at home and I kinda like it that way so I don't become obsessive).

So I wanted to share some thoughts on dieting and what kind of things I am doing to stay focused and motivated. I would love if you can leave comments and let me know of things that have helped you stay motivated and stick to your diet.

I am not sticking to any real diet plan - it is kind of a mix of things I have heard/read/learned from all different people. It is pretty much small meals all day, a lot of fruit and veggies, little carbs each day. I try and stick in different fruits through out the day to help curve
the want for sweets and to not be starving at lunch/dinner so I don't over indulge.

What is going on in my brain?

You must plan ahead. You think about food all the time anyway so just start redirecting the thoughts about food in a positive direction. Pre -pack meals for the day, shop at the supermarket for healthy meals you can make during the week and don't skip a meal just to save calories because that will just make you hungrier later and you will eat more.

Stop the excuses. Don't say you don't have time for preparing meals, working out etc... What are you too busy doing? Watching TV? Are you too busy to pour out lettuce and veggies from a pre-cut/washed bag into a Tupperware to bring to work? I really don't think so.

This isn't all or nothing. It took a few years to gain the weight so it isn't going anywhere overnight. So don't go nuts and try to drop weight quickly and get disappointed when you aren't losing any. You are changing everyday habits to keep with it for the long run.

Don't be a bitch. Nobody out there is super strict. Those people who are super strict are total bitches (from lack of food) and you don't want to become one. And everyone indulges in the "bad" foods sometimes - but that is the key - it needs to be sometimes.

Healthy food doesn't suck that much. There are tons of yummy foods that are good for you that you actually like - you just need to find it. You may be sad about eating a salad when you really want Pad Thai but you know when you are really going to be sad? When your pants don't fit! You know how it feels and you don't want to go back there. Of course you love cupcakes (mmmm cupcakes) but that doesn't have to be your source of happiness every day.

Look for alternatives. If you normally make rice or potatoes with a meal or get french fries try something else likethe meal on top of a salad, grilled veggies or try to use brown rice or whole wheat products.

Portions are key. Extra calories are extra calories no matter where they come from - so portion your food. If you only take a handful of walnuts to work then you can only eat a handful of walnuts. Don't bring the entire walnut container to work and think you are only going to eat a handful because you will end up eating a handful an hour.

Just because there are veggies involved doesn't mean it is healthy. Example: Veggie Tempura or Wendy's Salad with their dressings and toppings. Watch out for the sauces, dressings and breading where those calories are hiding.

Variety will keep you interested. Don't convince yourself that you can stick to a diet where you eat the same thing everyday just because it is good for you. Eventually you will hate that food and never want to see it again (this for me would apply to turkey sandwiches on wheat bread with a side of cut up veggies and many many many lean cuisine meals). Take chances on all types of foods and you can easily mix up the menu.

You are still new at this so don't expect to be perfect. Just keep on trying and remember that everyone who diets goes through this same up and down. The key is not to throw it all away when you don't feel motivated. Tomorrow is a new day where you can start again.

I am having the hardest time with going out to dinner. At first I thought lunch would be hard but I have now found that to be the easiest. Any suggestions for eating out for dinner and still picking food that doesn't ruin your hard work?

Also - please share any other dieting tips, experiences and motivational thoughts. I find I get my best dieting ideas from hearing what other people have to say.

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Blogger happy roy said...

all very good points, shawn!

what i'm trying to remind myself over and over about: portion control and cravings. you hit on the portion control so i'd like to add something about cravings. if your body is craving something, it's normally because it needs it. not to say that if you are craving fudge brownies (mmm brownies) you need fudge. that's just you wanting what's bad for you. but if you are continually craving something sweet, it's probably b/c your blood sugar is low. so eat an apple! if you're continually craving chocolate, it could be because you need the endorphins, you have a headache or again, you need chocolate. so in that case, eating an apple won't help. but you know what will? eating an apple with a TINY amount of nutella. i can eat an entire fuji apple (the crispiness of the apple is more satisfying than other varieties and makes me feel like i'm eating something i shouldn't) with half a teaspoon of nutella. sure there is a small amount of fat and calories, but it's worth it if that one snack will prevent me from later consuming a brownie or snickers bar.

February 06, 2007 5:50 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

That is a great point!! Thank you so much I will totally keep that in mind!

February 06, 2007 6:35 PM  
Blogger Design By Bain said...

Hey Shawn

Interested in doing this with me? http://www.experienceaxiom.com/SE-30-Day-Progam.html
It will be started in a few days. Lets chat about it.

Love ya sis!


February 07, 2007 2:08 AM  
Blogger SuperBee said...

I'm doing South Beach now. It's hard, and I've been dying for Cupcakes and Brownies lately, and I have cheated... but I've also dropped a ton of weight quickly, and that's my motivator.

Also... I bought jeans that I won't be able to fit into if I gain the weight back... :)

We're all pulling for you! We'll all ride this rollercoaster of self denial together! WHOO!

February 07, 2007 12:25 PM  
Blogger Shawn said...

Superbee - you are so good! Congrats for losing the weight - I am proud! I dont know if South Beach is for me but good for you for sticking to it!

And as for the cupcake/brownie - you totally deserve it if you cheated. I totally support you fulfilling that craving.

February 07, 2007 12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shawn,
loosing that extra is a resolution of mine aswell for 07.
thanks for sharing all those good points.
It helps me specially drinking lots of water which Im not so use too. Also to start or do from time to time drinking the juice made of celery,onion, parsley and apple helps cleaning. Boil them in about 3liters of water and then strain it. When cold drink through the day... Try to make that day a short of fasting day.

I love baguettes so I still eat it in the bran style.

Incorporating excercise is important also... I specially like yoga but at first might be better ti start with long-fast walks. It will benefit your skin and start toning muscles.

February 07, 2007 1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been saying i need to loose weight since the beginning of the year and i never start, now just by reading your blog has giving me a little push..thanks :)

P.S. I read your blog everyday very good work Shawn.

Saby - Elad's co-worker

February 09, 2007 11:24 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

Saby thank you so much for commenting!! I am glad I can give you a little inspiration.

It's all about taking the first step and then just keep taking more and more small steps along the way.

I have been doing this for about three weeks now and it isn't easy but I haven't gone all crazy either. I am still strugling with being hungry and moody (because I want to eat that damn bread!) - but I just have to remind myself, small steps and eventually I will get there.

February 09, 2007 11:31 AM  
Blogger Chris B said...

Yeah, way to go everyone! Thank you Shawn, you are very inspiring!

February 13, 2007 12:51 PM  

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