Friday, July 15, 2005

But he's your father!

So my dad is a traveling guy. He likes to travel the world. He doesn't have a residence. And he isn't heard from for months at a time. Caribbean. Spain. Italy. England. India. That is until he wants to come to your neighborhood.

Upon his visits, he books a flight and says he is going to stay for a week. Suddenly the return flight is cancelled and his bags are unpacked in your guest room.

At first the situation is pleasant, because he is my father and I don't see/hear from him that often. But suddenly after a month I don't see an end to his stay. He needs to be driven everywhere and all food prepared for him. He wants to be treated like a guest but looks more like a roommate.

What is one to do?

Unfortunately, my sister, who lives in the town over from me, is in this dilemma right now. She keeps on begging me for help and I don't know what to do. I invited him to stay at my house, but I don't have a guest room like my sister has so he doesn't want to stay with me.

And of course, that ever annoying fact that he did provide for us for many years of our lives -should that make us want to put a roof over his head for awhile? Should that allow him to make his vacations endless on my dollar?


Blogger Shawn said...

Oh yea, I forgot to mention. He loves to go out to dinner. But he isn't a normal dad that pays for everyone. I am broke.

July 15, 2005 8:04 AM  
Blogger happy roy said...

oh man, i can't even imagine how your sis is putting up with this!! yeah there's the filial sense of duty, but he's taking it too far when he expects to be catered to and fed like a guest for prolonged periods of time!

i feel for you. =(

July 15, 2005 9:15 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

Any suggestion of how to treat the situation?

He might be leaving soon on another trip so we might be saved!

July 15, 2005 9:21 AM  

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