Thursday, July 07, 2005

A Moment of Silence

I want to take a serious moment to address what happened today. Let's forget our personal turmoil for a moment and just send our thoughts where they are needed.

London has one of the most advanced metro systems in the world. They have surveillance cameras and years ago they even got rid of street garbage cans to protect the city from hidden bombs. But despite their attempt to safeguard their citizens an attack has taken place. My heart truly goes out to every person in that city right now.

Considering the precautions that were taken - does this mean that terrorism is inevitable?


Blogger happy roy said...

i definitely think terrorism is inevitable. the stronger and more secure a target appears to be, the more likely some fanatic/anarchist/lunatic/whatever will be tempted to attack it to show the world just how strong/brave/crazy they really are.

you can never completely safeguard against attack b/c there will always be people who will scrutinize a situation to find the spot of weakness.

July 07, 2005 10:08 AM  
Blogger elad said...

i agree with julie, sadly. it's as if the terrorists view extra security as a challenge.

i'm often struck by the idea that it is impossible to safeguard everything. how many times per minute do people with backpacks walk into crowded malls or subways? you can't search everyone.

it is the reality we live in now. and it's terrible.

July 07, 2005 11:21 AM  
Blogger elad said...

the biggest shame, i think, of this attack, besides the pointless loss of life, is the shift in focus for the G8. They were going to use this meeting - the first in awhile - to really tackle African poverty, which is the first step to healing that troubled contintent, but instead it's going to be more and more rhetoric like, "We won't back down. We won't stop fighting." etc, etc.

July 07, 2005 11:39 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

the best we can do is do our part towards one another and CONTINUE our daily lives. they want to disrupt us, but we have to move forward, however hard it may be.

July 07, 2005 4:49 PM  

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