Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The End of Youth (or, The Corruption)

Damn it.

It's happenned.

I've grown up.

Look at me in my fancy German car, with my button-down-shirt off to my button-down job with this expensive piece of cloth hanging from my neck like a fourth limb made of silk - or a colorful tail. It's good, though. If I ever chose to hang myself, I'd have the materials ready.

It's not like I have a problem working. That's what people do. Obviously, I'd much rather stay home and watch good cable and write novels about strange and wonderful worlds far far away from here. But I can't. (Well, not yet anyway.)

But I'm an adult. (Look, here, closely, I have bills with my name on them. And this card with my picture on it and a bunch of numbers that make it okay for me to drive and buy firearms.) And as an adult, I have to do things like Earn Money to pay for food, housing, clothes, and transportation. (I'm still unclear why those things are nessecary.)

And so I have this new job. Which is a good job doing good work and the people are nice and my boss is cool (if you don't piss her off) and everything was going along smoothly and nicely until... They tell me I need to wear a tie.

(I know what you're thinking: He's crazy, right? He's freaking out over a TIE?!)

Yes, I am! I'm the guy who was never going to wear a suit and tie. I'm too cool, too hip, too YOUNG to wear a tie everyday. They're annoying - always in the way - they get wet easily when you wash your hands. You have to tuck in your shirt and that's a pain in the ass everytime you go to the bathroom. It's just.... annoying!!

There is no silver lining here. This is the day my youth died. I am now a part of the "working world."

(Until of course I write My Awesome Novel and become super famous and a big underground sucess and someone in Hollywood decides to make an Awesome Movie out of my Awesome Novel and then I quit whatever job I have and just focus on why I was put on this Earth.)

Till then.


Blogger Shawn said...

There is a huge silver lining...

Your girlfriend things you look HOT as an adult and she is super proud of you being a responsible adult! DUH!

September 14, 2005 1:08 PM  
Blogger elad said...

hehe. *blush*

thanks, shawn. i suppose that is a good part of all this imposed corporate madness.

September 14, 2005 3:03 PM  
Blogger happy roy said...

i know i'm a loser, but i actually look forward to the day that i'll be able to dress like an adult. i mean, i've held full time jobs before but i always looked like i was a college intern, i think. for some reason, i equate nice suits and immaculate attire with being successful. plus, it helps ladies get dressed in the morning. it's not as difficult to figure out what to wear if you already know that part of your attire is decided for you.

September 15, 2005 10:43 AM  
Blogger Shawn said...

I agree Julie - getting dressed in the morning is so easy when you just have to put on a suit. its all there for you

and i do feel more confident and capable of being a lawyer when i dress the part

September 15, 2005 11:05 AM  

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