Friday, September 09, 2005

Politics v News

This morning I was watching CNN and the correspondent in New Orleans was really annoying me. Although I appreciate her political stance, and her criticism of the response by all levels of governments, I think she has gone too far.

She was interviewing the Lt. Governor of Louisiana (I think that was his title) and he was discussing all the efforts being made to get people out of New Orleans and the surrounding cities because of the chance for disease and other problems that will arise as the situation is being repaired. I agree that people should be evacuated from the area because there are many risks to health and safety (of both the citizens and workers), and sometimes force is being used to do this (which I am not 100% sure is necessary or not). While she was questioning this man she continually criticized every effort being made, and the need for an investigation, and all that other stuff about how bad the response was.

Ok listen, we know the response was terrible, and we know the government really screwed up, but give the guy a break! He probably hasn't slept in a week and is pulling people from water, running to hospitals, helping evacuate whoever may be dead or alive, and this woman is down his throat as if he is sipping margaritas on the island of Barbados.

I think there is a time and place for criticism, but when you see that they are working hard, then say "good job" and "thanks" and let them get back to their job. Then call up the guys sitting on their lazy asses in their office and yell at them a bit.


Blogger elad said...

I completely agree. The media has once again failed this country by attacking the wrong people. Can you imagine if a reporter berated Guiliani after 9/11 like you described? There would be outrage and firings the next day.

I'm all for criticizing the government but NOT the people on the ground trying to help victims of this terrible tragedy.

September 09, 2005 1:40 PM  
Blogger kovoor36 said...

ditto to both your sentiments!!

September 09, 2005 2:39 PM  
Blogger elad said...

Furthermore: According to the media, we're barely a single country anymore. We seem to be at the brink of a cold civil war. With Republicans versus Democrats and Rich versus Poor. It's a lead-by-example thing. The government is split, now more so than ever, and so our country is split, down moral and economic lines.

But it's really not like that. We're Americans. All of us. Black, white, rich, poor, gay, straight. All of us should be coming together as one to help those in need. I saw some of that firsthand. I work for a not-for-profit that set up a Katrina relief fund a day or so after the hurricane hit. And the volume of calls with small to large donations has been staggering. And extremely inspiring.

September 09, 2005 2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My personal opinion...I do beleive these people with authority, Lt., such as Governor of Louisiana should be put on the spot and interrigated anytime someone has an opportunity to ask what happened. Reporters are in the position to do this and I like the aggresiveness that alot of them are showing during this time. Yes he may not have slept and yes he may be pulling people out of the water 10 hours out of his day, however, he still goes home at nite...wherever that home maybe and goes to sleep in a comfortable bed, eats a home cooked meal and takes a warm shower!

The victims of this disaster still do not have those luxeries and all though it was some peoples decision to stay...some had no choice. THey did not have the means, finances or power to get out and thats where our government should have stepped in.

I fully encourage everyone to ask what happened...becasue if we dont it is likely that this could happen again. The government should not think for one second that what has happened is execusable, because it is not! These are US citizens. Our brothers and sisters, I cannot stomach the fact that this is happening on our own soil and it has taken this long to some action. Just the fact that there is still people waiting to be rescued, or to eat a hot meal or even take a shower is pathetic and uncalled for!

We should do everything we can in our power as citizens of this country to make it known that this was not acceptable even if that means digging down the throat of Lt. Governor of Louisiana to get some answers!

September 09, 2005 3:24 PM  

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