Thursday, January 12, 2006

i love imdb

when i was a kid, i'd always look forward to the holidays b/c between thanksgiving and christmas, one of my favorite movies would be shown on tv. i never knew the name of the movie as a child and recently, i've been looking for it. however, i couldn't remember anything about the characters. while watching vh1's i love the 80s, i saw a clip about anne ramsey and it clicked. i remembered a woman in the movie who resembled her. armed with that information, i went searching imdb for her. alas, anne ramsey wasn't in anything like the movie i remembered. all was not lost though! somehow my mind registered the trivia that neil simon wrote the screenplay/script. THAT was enough for imdb, which kindly provided me with the title of the movie i loved as a kid: Murder by Death. if you haven't seen the movie, i exhort you to rush to blockbuster/hollywood video, etc or add it to your netflix queue. alec guinness, truman capote, peter falk and others are part of an excellent cast that entertained me thoroughly.


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