Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Garden Party (Project Runway Spoiler)

Last night's theme was a "Garden Party" - and so you think - ooh cute floral daytime party dresses? Close. You were right in thinking "floral" dresses.

The designers were taken to plant/flower stores and told that all of their materials must be bought in those stores. No fabric. No dyes. No beading. Just plants, flowers and planting materials.

This episode really brought out the personalities of the different remaining designers. We saw that Daniel V. has recently come out to his family about being gay and that he has grown up in Michigan in a very Christian home. And that Santino is a huge joker. He does a great imitation of Tim Gunn and made up a funny scenario about Andre and Tim at Red Lobster that had me laughing all night. I was back on Santino's side - because he wasn't being the cocky ass he usually is - but rather this funny guy just working away at his dress.

And suddenly I didn't hate Kara. She was super sweet to Chloe and tried to help Chloe finish her dress when she was running out of time. And her design was actually really nice. She wasn't stressing everyone out (except herself) and she actually showed talent.

But poor Nick and Andre. Those two really surprised me last night. I totally thought they were final 3 material - until last night. Both made a poor showing and even though Andre got cut, I think Nick's design was actually weaker.

So the winner was Danny V:
The judges loved it because it was one of the few dresses that actually used flowers and not just leaves. The weaving and design was great, and it really captured the challenge.

But I really liked Chloe's dress the best:

Ok the bathing cap isn't so cute. But the dress was really well crafted and looked like real fabric and not little leaves all glued together. She did run out of time so maybe the dress looked different in person, but I still loved the way that it flowed.

I actually really liked Santino's dress this week:

It was unique and fit well. Good job! For once you didn't over do it.

And Kara's dress wasn't so bad either:

She actually had weaving on the back of the dress that looked like a basket which gave it a cute touch. The skirt wasn't super impressive, but she did a good job with the top and it fit well.

Nick, what happened?
It really looks like Nick wants to go home. He said it during last week's challenge and I think he still means it. It didn't fit her right and the design wasn't exciting or impressive. He should have been cut.

But instead Andre had to go:
I thought his dress was actually cute - in a conservative kind of way. He could have been a little more risky with his use of plants instead of just using peat moss the way he did - but I guess the Judge's weren't liking it - and of course there were tears (but only one person is allowed to cry on the runway at a time, according to Andre)

So it was a shock to see Andre go, have Kara shine, and actually start to like Santino again. Daniel V's win wasn't a surprise because he has swept the competition so far - but Chloe is not far behind him. New prediction of final three: Daniel V, Chloe and Santino. Nick wants to go home and his designs show it. Kara might have stepped up this time but I can't see her doing it two weeks in a row.



Blogger elad said...

totally agree! Chole, Daniel, and Santino to face off. I wonder if they'll do the same thing they did last year and send them all home for three months to create a full line. I think the work that comes out of that is very inspiring and interesting and the episodes are interesting because we get to see glimpses of these peoples' lives outside of the show.

February 02, 2006 10:43 AM  
Blogger happy roy said...

i was surprised to kara make it to the next round b/c i didn't expect her to wake up enough to get herself together. however, she did make a nice dress. i was afraid she'd win and get the immunity, so i'm glad daniel won. he's been the best consistent player so he really probably had would have made the final three anyway. i liked chloe's dress the best b/c it actually looked like a dress, but i can see how the judges liked daniel's flowers.

February 02, 2006 10:44 AM  
Blogger elad said...

it was an episode full of surprises for sure! definitely the whole idea of flowers for dresses was interesting. (did they do this last year? shawn and i couldn't remember.)

and the people themselves were full of surprises. kara definitely woke up when she was suppose too. staved execution for another week (although she should have been gone after that awful "Danger, No Trespassing" thing from last week.) Andrae was too cocky. He figured since he use to work with flowers, he would just kill this thing. But Tim - always perceptive - knew that a dress made with all of that moss would not look flattering at all. I mean, seriously, moss?

And Shawn and I are back on the Santino bandwagon. I thought his dress was great and his overt, confident, personality is infectious.

February 02, 2006 10:56 AM  

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