Friday, September 29, 2006

The Office -Recap Season 3, Episode 2 - "The Convention"

Still on a high from The Office being is some Gaydar from last week.

What did we love about this new episode?

Michael and Dwight head off to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for a paper convention. Jim and his new boss, Josh, are also there - yay a reunion!!!!

Before Micheal heads off to the convention he asks Pam to order him a Chinese Baby. Pam tells him there is a long wait and it is expensive. He then asks her to get a cheaper baby. Pam just gives the "are you kidding me" stare to the camera.

We then find out that Kelly set Pam up with her neighbor (a cartoonist) - and there will be a double date with Kelly/Ryan and Pam/Alan. During dinner Kelly is feeding Ryan french fries and he looks like he is in hell. Why is he still dating her? Pam didn't think the date was a love match...could it have been the outdated "freedom fries" cartoon?

The office has a few words of advice for Pam - Michael tells Pam to unbutton her top button and "let those things breathe a little" - Phyllis tells Pam she should order the most expensive thing on the menu to show him she is worth it, and Stanley says "then you will have to put out" and Phyliss is like, yea that's true.

Meanwhile, little hints are dropped that Toby has a thing for Pam. He tries to make his move, but chickens out.

Back at the convention - Michael is collecting SWAG ("stuff we all get") and says he furnished his house with SWAG. He is also having too much fun with a life sized palm pilot/cell phone. He also spreading word of the party he wants to have later on and somehow manages to set up a deal with Hammermill paper - so I guess Michael actually does work?

Michael is really annoyed that Jim likes his new boss Josh and gets into competition with him. He almost writes off his entire friendship with Jim...

We also find out Angela (Dwight's secret girlfriend) came to the convention also and waited for Dwight, and while Jim was trying to play a prank on Dwight he walked in on Angela naked in Dwight's hotel room and assumed she was a hooker....and you know he wanted to call Pam about that one!

Michael tries to set up a party in room 308 (his hotel room). He doesn't get much of a response, but Jim ends up coming to the party and relaxing Michael's fears that he left Scranton because of Michael. He tells Michael it was because of Pam and now Michael wants to tell Pam...I bet we will see that in a later episode. Michael also tells Jim he should talk to Roy (Pam's ex) because he would be able to relate.

The show ends with Dwight and Michael turning on the blacklight for the party and you see stains everywhere...ewwww.....



Blogger elad said...

episode was hilarious, as usual. It was nice to see them out of the office, too. Michael and Dwight ripping it up at a convention and Pam on the most boring date ever.

I think the reason Ryan is still with Kelly is because it's so funny to see his facial expressions whenever she's around.

No Ed Helms this episode, tho. *thumbs down*

September 30, 2006 10:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The British show is comic genius and I wonder how the American version played out to someone not familiar with the the office tv show from here

January 15, 2009 6:13 AM  

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