FBI Files
Ever wonder about...
William E.B. DuBois or Albert Einstein's connection to the Communist Party?
Marilyn Monroe's mysterious affairs or death?
When Frank Sinatra volunteered as undercover FBI and socialized with organized crime figures?
Well now all of this information is public on the internet, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. The FBI has scanned their files, which includes reports, investigations, letters and news paper clippings of various high profile people (and probably some people you never heard).
So what does that mean for us? Just another way to waste a few hours on the internet...
Check out Unusual Phenomena, Gangster Era, Famous Persons, Espionage, Historical Interest , and Violent Crime. Or just go through the Alphabetical Listing....
William E.B. DuBois or Albert Einstein's connection to the Communist Party?
Marilyn Monroe's mysterious affairs or death?
When Frank Sinatra volunteered as undercover FBI and socialized with organized crime figures?
Well now all of this information is public on the internet, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. The FBI has scanned their files, which includes reports, investigations, letters and news paper clippings of various high profile people (and probably some people you never heard).
So what does that mean for us? Just another way to waste a few hours on the internet...
Check out Unusual Phenomena, Gangster Era, Famous Persons, Espionage, Historical Interest , and Violent Crime. Or just go through the Alphabetical Listing....
Cooool! Hard to read, though... they couldn't translate it all into HTML?
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