Monday, September 26, 2005

The Modern Music Fan

Where does anticipation leave us in today's super-immediate mp3 reality? Every album I've expected, anticpated, over the last two years, I've had weeks, sometimes months before release.

Today, right now, there's an upcoming Her Space Holiday album that I've had for a looong time. (And Shawn's already bored by.) The new Franz Ferdinand album is about a week away from release; I know most of the lyrics by heart already. There's a new Broken Social Scene album coming next week, too, and I'm still deciding whether I like it or not. Etc, etc.

The real question is, what does all this have to do with us, the fans? How does it affect our appreciation and enjoyment of new albums?

I recently read an interesting column from Pitchfork about a Future Of Music conference. In it, someone mentioned how nobody does the "Memorex" thing anymore where a person sits in front of huge speakers, hits PLAY, and just listens to music. Nowadays, music is everywhere, it permeates life in commercials, transit system, offices, and films and TV, of course. With music, seemingly free coming from everywhere, how does the fan/band relationship change and grow? What happens when music seems to be more alive and vibrant than ever but bands are making nothing compared to what they use to make?

I have no idea, actually. I'm just wondering.



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