Thursday, June 30, 2005

What's the first step to World Domination?

what's your weakness

i have 3 top weaknesses: 1) crippling fear of failure; 2) debilitating laziness; and 3) obsession for all things bread related.

1) the fear of failure prevents me from aspiring beyond my place in life. i hate rejection and cannot imagine what i'd do if i actually admitted to myself that i wanted something and then was unable to obtain it after i made the best effort.

2) i'm unable to excel at anything b/c i lack the discipline and motivation to be good at anything. fading into the woodwork is the motif of my life.

3) i'll never be thin again b/c i can't give up my breads -- 14 grain bread with its nutty flavor; white bread that is just perfect for pb&j sandwiches; croissants to dip in my chai (the authentic indian stuff, not the crap that starbucks tries to pass off); crusty bread to accompany a slice of heaven in the form of brie; warm, buttery garlic bread...the list is endless. my taste buds have never met a bread they did not love instantly upon first contact.

what characteristic/tendency/propensity/desire/failure is keeping you from being who you want to be, what you want to look like, etc.?

What Would You Do If You Could Do Anything? 2

Classic dinner-party question:

What historical figures, living or dead, would you like at your table for dinner?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What Would You Do If You Could Do Anything?

Inspired by this rather lengthy but fascinating article about the possibility of time travel, I posit this question. If, according to the article, time travel is not impossible, what would you do if you could go back? Or forward?

Would you go far far into the past, see Rome or the Cruxifcation? Would you keep it local, go back to a central point in your life, and say something different to her or him? Would you kill Hitler? Or warn the people walking into the WTC on 9/11? Would you be active or passive?

cyber addictions

shawn beat me to a post about addictions, but mine was going to be about internet addictions. what's yours? sports? porn? gaming? internet dating? friendster stalking?

i am not ashamed to admit that i am a gossip hound. other people read the latest, depressing news about iraq. i laugh with schadenfreude over the latest lunatic antics of tom cruise. it somehow makes me feel better to know that while there are people who make millions more than i will ever earn in a lifetime, they will never know anything about class, style, dignity and integrity. i guess in the end, the joke's on me tho, b/c they're the ones laughing their way to the bank.

what's your addiction?

some questions on etiquette

how do you react when you're minding your own business and someone starts talking to you about their life story, bad day, work frustrations, etc. and you have absolutely no desire to listen?

how do you politely tell someone to QUIT IT when they are sitting/standing next to you continually sighing and exhaling heavily as if the problems of the world are his or her burdens to carry alone?

situation -- you run into a friend/acquaintance/neighbor/classmate who you see every few weeks. this time, however, she is noticeably pregnant and looking rather worse for wear. do you ignore the portruding bump and ask her out for happy hour? do you inquire how far along she is? do you stand far, far away, lest her pregnancy is contagious? do you fake joy at her unplanned and wholly impractical pregnancy and pretend that the beleagured baby daddy is overjoyed at this latest yoke around his shoulders?

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the future of the music industry...

and where does it go from here folks?

last week, sony bmg announced that they have "...quietly slipped about a million discs by 10 different artists -- whom they won't name -- into the market featuring anti-piracy technology from some United Kingdom company called First4Internet. This new technology totally stops you from making more than a few copies of a disc, and it also stops your friend from making a copy of his copy." (tiny mix tapes news) this technology is also NOT COMPATABLE WITH IPODS. what a mistake. warner and universal have avoided this technology because they fear the backlash of the thousands of ipod owners. i dont blame them.

and then just a couple days ago, the riaa won a case against grokster in a major p2p suit, making it legal for corporations to sue the inventors of p2p services.

but really the best thing for the industry to do is to EMBRACE the technology that millions of people are using, instead of shunning it. either that or go back to vinyl....


Welcome New Bloggers!

I just wanted to say thanks to Tim, Julie, and Melody for joining in on the blog. I added you to the description of the blog (above) -- if you don't like what I wrote please let me know and I can change it.

Remember -- you can all make original posts whenever you like! Can't wait to hear what you all have to say :Þ

And if anyone else wants to become a group member -- just email me and let me know!


Quick - What are you listening to?

What is in your CD/tape/record/mp3/hi-fi/whatever you want to call it player?

The Cloud Room (no frills rock - not trying to change the world - just trying to make you move your hips. I would definetly suggest a listen.)


The Beautiful Brown Bean

Is it part of human nature to have addictions?

For years I tried to stop myself from having any addictions - but recently a certain someone has made coffee part of my daily routine. At first I was hesitant because I didn't want to be addicted. But the truth is I LOVE COFFEE - I always have - the smell - the taste - the feeling.

Then this morning I started thinking about it - I am probably addicted to a lot of things. My whole life I tried to not have addictions and in the meantime just ignored the fact that I watch tons of TV, love sweets, and sleep a lot.


Monday, June 27, 2005

The Quarter-Life Crisis and the Entitlement Generation

Quarter Life Crisis --- You are suddenly in your mid-twenties and it hits you. You are afraid of what is going to happen next. You see everyone around you moving straight ahead --- careers, marriage, kids --- and you don't know what direction you are even going in.

As for myself - I am lucky enough not to be hit hard by this crisis - but I have seen it with many of my friends. It is a strange phenomenon that I think is new to our generation. Some say that it is a result of having been spoiled by instant gratification and suddenly now we must do for ourselves and are scared that we don't have what it takes.

In a similar vain - our generation is now being called the "Entitlement Generation." Employers say we have "shockingly high expectations for salary, job flexibility and duties but little willingness to take on grunt work or remain loyal to a company."

I definitely experienced being labeled when I was on my most recent job hunt. Many employers would try to test me to see if I thought I was worth more than I really am. Although I feel I have some worth - I definitely didn't feel entitled to a lot and felt extremely lucky when I was rewarded with a great job. But I have definitely seen this trend in a lot of people I know.

(inspired by an article link from Yahoo News)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Topic of the Day --- Sunday

What do you like to do on Sundays? Are you a fan of watching tv all day or do you like to spend the day filled with chores? Do you have no choice but to fill the day with chores?

I am the type who spends the day thinking about chores that need to be done.
Then I will turn the tv on.
Then I will pass out into a four hour mid-day nap.
Then I will wake up and realize that the garbage is overflowing, i need to go to the store for a variety of household items, and there is definetly no food in the house to eat.
Then I watch awful reality tv/celeb shows on VH1. :)
(Who doesn't love Best Week Ever? --- upgrade/downgrade)

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Ring Ring

Now that this is officially going to become a group blog - we should set up some type of format. How do we want to approach this? Should it just be randomness? The reason I wanted to have a blog is to spur conversation with a wide variety of people, friends in places I don't see too much, and, of course, to liven up a boring day at work.

I suggest one rule - keep it short. If I have to scroll down in the window to keep on reading then it is too long.

So, in an effort to start conversation, I'm going to throw out a topic. Thoughts and stories, etc, in the comments section to follow:

Topic #1: CELL-PHONES.

We've had these things forawhile now. How do you like them? How have they changed your life, for the better, the worse? Lost one down a drain, have one stolen, found someone elses?


Friday, June 24, 2005

The Group Blog

I am enlisting the help of many of my interesting friends and family, who all have very distinct points of view, to create a group blog.

I am hoping that through our joint effort, we can keep the reader interested with a variety of topics from different races, genders and whatever else you can classify, from all over the country. Hopefully we will create some thought provoking moments. Wish us luck!


Swearing In

So, yeah, I'm here too.

I've got a lot of to say and I think I'm running out of people willing to listen, hence, this blog. I see and hear and read a lot of shit that gets me angry. Here, I will vent. If I find something I like, I will link to it.

And, there it is.

Here's our first link:

The Onion in 2056. These geniuses have done it again. They've gone all science fiction!


Inaugural Post

After many weeks of envying everyone for having a blog - I decided it was time for a space to make my own comments.

So then I enlisted the help of Elad and as a team we will blog away.

Expect a variety of subjects: Music, Movies, TV shows, Family, Politics, Stupid People and Why They Are Stupid. All set in this wacky world called Florida. Be warned - we talk shit.

Shawn is the lawyer.
Elad is the writer.
We both have no clue what we are doing.


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